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2.2 분과(Divisions)
- 코퍼스교육연구실(Division of Corpus Training & Research, DCTR)
- 글로벌창의영재교육연구실(Division of Global Creative Education & Research for the Gifted & Talented, DGCERGT)
- AI산업번역교육실(Division of AI Industrial Translation Education, DAIITE)
- 영어말하기쓰기센터(English Speaking & Writing Center, ESWC)
4. 학술지(Journals)
5. 학술대회(Conferences)
7. 자료(Miscellaneous)
- 코퍼스 리딩 리스트(Corpus Reading List)
- 코퍼스 학술대회, 워크숍, 특강(Corpus Conferences, Workshops, Lectures)
- 번역 워크숍 & 특강(Translation Workshops & Lectures)
- 코퍼스 용어(Corpus Glossaries)
- 기타 관련 자료(Miscellaneous)