국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
Welcome to the Institute for Corpus Research at Incheon National University.

Image generated by DALL-E, prompted by Professor CK Jung (2024-09-05)
국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소(이하 ‘코퍼스연구소’ / Institute for Corpus Research, ICR)는 2020년 1월 22일 국립인천대학교 교육연구위원회의 심의를 통과한 후, 국립인천대학교 지침 제318호(문서번호: 법인지원팀-195)에 따라 국립인천대학교 연구소로 공식 설립되었습니다.
The Institute for Corpus Research (hereinafter referred to as the “ICR”) at Incheon National University was officially established as a research institute of Incheon National University following approval by the University’s Committee on Educational Research on January 22, 2020, and in accordance with Incheon National University Directive No. 318 (Document No: Legal Support Team-195).