1. Introduction to Corpus Linguistics(코퍼스 언어학 소개)
Corpus Linguistics: Methods, Analysis, Interpretation (Tony McEnery, Lancaster University, UK)
2. Useful Conferences
2.1 Corpus Linguistics (CL) Conference 
- Deadline for abstracts: October 2022
- Conference date: 3-6 July 2023
- Place: Lancaster University, UK
- URL: https://wp.lancs.ac.uk/cl2023
2.2 The International Society for the Linguistics of English 
- Deadline for abstracts: 30 November 2022
- Conference: 19-23 June 2023
- Place: The University of Queensland, Australia
- URL: https://www.isle-linguistics.org/activities/isle-conference
2.3 14th International Conference on Corpus Linguistics (CILC 2023) 
- Deadline for abstracts: 31 December 2022
- Conference: 10 to 12 May 2023
- Place: University of Oviedo, Spain
- URL: https://cilc2023.wordpress.com
2.4 International Associations 
- TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) | URL: http://www.tesol.org
- AAAL (American Association for Applied Linguistics) | URL: http://www.aaal.org
- NCTE (National Council of Teachers of English) | URL: http://www.ncte.org
- AILA (International Association of Applied Linguistics) | URL: http://www.aila.info
- BAAL (The British Association for Applied Linguistics) | URL: http://www.baal.org.uk
- IATEFL (International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) | URL: http://www.iatefl.org
- AsiaTEFL (Asian Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign Language) | URL: http://www.asiatefl.org
- JALT (The Japan Association for Language Teaching) | URL: http://www.jalt.org
- JACET (The Japan Association of College English Teachers) | URL: http://www.jacet.org
- HAAL (Hong Kong Applied Linguistics Association) | URL: http://www.haal.hk
- MELTA (Malaysian English Language Teaching Association) | URL: http://www.melta.org.my
- APACALL (Asia-Pacific Association for Computer-Assisted Language Learning) | URL: http://www.apacall.org
3. Corpus Summer Schools
3.1 Lancaster Summer Schools in Corpus Linguistics 2023 
- Date: 26-30 June 2023
- Place: Lancaster University, UK
- URL: http://wp.lancs.ac.uk/corpussummerschools
4. Corpus Software
4.1 AntConc (Laurence Anthony)
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 1 Getting started
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 2 KWIC tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 3 Plot tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 4 File tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 5 Cluster tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 6 N-Gram tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 7 Collocate tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 8 Wordlist tool basics
- AntConc 4 – Tutorial 9 Keyword list tool basics
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 1: Getting Started
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 2: Concordance Tool – Basic Features
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 3: Concordance Tool – Advanced Features
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 4: Concordance Plot Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 5: File View Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 6: Clusters Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 7: N-Grams Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 8: Collocates Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 9: Word List Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 10: Keyword List Tool
- AntConc 3.4.0 Tutorial 11: Working with tagged data
4.2 WordSmith Tools (Mike Scott)
- Introduction to WordSmith Tools 8
- Installation on mac parallels
- Concord
- Wordlist
- Keywords
- Corpus Linguistics with WordSmith 8 (Michaela Mahlberg & Mike Scott)
4.3 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 (김태국)
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 구매 및 설치하기
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 언어 선택하기
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 텍스트 선택하기
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 텍스트 즐겨찾기
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 Concord 단어 검색
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 Concord 파일 기반 검색 및 고급 검색
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 WordList 단어 목록 산출하기
- 워드스미스 툴 (WordSmith Tools) 8.0 KeyWords 핵심어 산출하기
4.4 BNCweb (ODL Corpus Linguistics)
- Registering for BNCweb and carrying out a simple search
- Registering with BNCweb and accessing it for the first time
- Frequency lists in BNCweb
- Escaping metacharacters and separating contracted words
- Using part of speech tags for searches
- Searching for forms of a lemma
- Introducing the BNCweb metacharacters
- Using tags and metacharacters to improve recall
- Searching for ‘going to’ and ‘gonna’
- Searching for ‘make someone do something’ in BNCweb
- Searching for ‘it verb adjective that’ in BNCweb
- Types of metadata recorded in the BNC
- Using the Distribution tool on BNCweb
- Looking at speaker and file frequency extremes on BNCweb
- Exploring interactions between social variables using BNCweb
- Introduction to the Collocations tool on BNCweb
- Finding subject collocates of verbs_ tumble and synonyms
- Using the collocations tool to investigate colligation
- Tips on copying lines from BNCweb and formatting them
- Performing a simple search
- Simple one-word searches with BNCweb
- Speaker and file frequency extremes
4.5 COCA (BYU Corpora)
- COCA Bites: Corpus Overview (1)
- COCA Bites: Basic Frequency Searches (2)
- COCA Bites: KWIC color code (3)
- COCA Bites: Introduction to Part of Speech Tags (4)
- COCA Bites: Using the Wildcard in Frequency Searches (5)
- COCA Bites: Searching for Lemmas (6)
- COCA Bites: Synonym Searches (7)
- COCA Bites: Collocates Introduction (8)
4.6 Sketch Engine (Benet Vincent)
- Using Sketch Engine
- Investigating ‘it’ constructions
- Essay question verbs
- Finding adjectives for it is Adj to
4.7 Wmatrix (Paul Rayson)
4.8 AntWordProfiler (Laurence Anthony)
4.9 안트워드프로파일러 (AntWordProfiler) (김태국)
- AntWordProfiler 1강 Overview
- AntWordProfiler 2강 어휘 분석
- AntWordProfiler 3강 Settings 설정
- AntWordProfiler 4강 텍스트 편집
- AntWordProfiler 5강 Thesaurus Settings
4.10 AntFileConverter (Laurence Anthony)
4.11 AntConGen (Laurence Anthony)
4.12 TagAnt (Laurence Anthony)
4.13 CLiC (University of Birmingham) 
5. Sinclair Lecture Series (University of Birmingham)
- Sinclair Lecture 2013: Primed for Violence? A corpus analysis of jihadist discourse (Tony McEnery)
- Sinclair Lecture 2016: Corpus linguistics and the challenges of close and distant reading (Michaela Mahlberg)
- Sinclair Lecture 2017: Increasing the impact of corpus linguistics in disciplinary education (Susan Conrad)
- Sinclair Lecture 2018: The Hermeneutic Cyborg (Stefan Evert)
- Sinclair Lecture 2019: Look closer: insight and impact in corpus analysis of discourse (Paul Baker)
6. Corpus Sepcial Lectures
- New Directions in Corpus Design and Corpus Tools Development (Laurence Anthony)
- Multidimensional Factor Analysis (Douglas Biber)
- Using Learner Corpora to Connect with Students’ Cultures (Nicholas Groom)
- Exploratory Analysis of Word Frequencies Across Corpus Texts (Andrew Hardie)
- Corpus Linguistics in 2017: A Personal View (Susan Hunston)
- Corpus Linguistics, Learner Corpora, and SLA (Tony McEnery)
- CLiC: Studying Fiction in the Digital Age (Michaela Mahlberg)
- Exploring phraseological complexity in learner corpora (Magali Paquot)
- Using Corpora in the Language Classroom (Randi Reppen)
- Just What Is Corpus Stylistics? (Dan McIntyre)
7. Corpus Lectures
- Corpus Linguistics: Overview (Mythili Menon)
- #01 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – What is Corpus Linguistics? (For Absolute Beginners, Yassine Iabdounane)
- #02 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Types of Corpora (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #03 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Compiling and Analysing our First Corpus (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #04 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Part-of-Speech Tagging and Working with Tagged Data (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #05 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Rank Words that Belong to a Specific Word Class (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #06 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Look for Constructions in a Corpus (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #07 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics – Searching with Regular Expressions (Regex) (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #08 Now what? What can I do in Corpus Linguistics? (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #09 Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics – Compare a language across different regions and speakers (Yassine Iabdounane)
- #10 Formulaic Language and Corpus Linguistics (Yassine Iabdounane)