2023 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(2023 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award) 
국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소에서는 코퍼스 연구 활성화와 신진 연구자 육성을 위해 매년 국내와 해외로 구분하여 코퍼스우수학위논문상을 시상하고, 그 결과를 코퍼스연구소 홈페이지에 게시합니다. 국내와 해외 구분은 학위 수여 대학 국가 기준이며, 국내는 한국어나 영어로 작성된 논문이어야 하며, 해외는 영어로 작성한 논문만 신청을 받습니다(다른 언어에서 영어로 번역한 것은 괜찮습니다).
*코퍼스우수학위논문 수상 예정자는 Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research 1년 안에 논문 1편을 성공적으로 출간해야 하며, 논문을 출간하지 못하면 수상이 자동 취소됩니다(상장은 논문이 성공적으로 출간된 후 수여함). |
The ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award is a prestigious annual distinction established to acknowledge recent graduates who have delivered exemplary theses at either the MA/MSc or PhD/EdD levels specifically within the domain of corpus research.
Eligibility Criteria:
- The candidate must have graduated from a recognised university that requires a thesis submission for the conferment of an MA/MSc or PhD/EdD degree.
- The degree must have been awarded to the nominee in 2023.
- The thesis presented should be acknowledged for its noteworthy contribution to the domain of corpus research.
- Theses should be authored in English or Korean. Translations from other languages to English are permissible.
It’s important to note that for the award to be retained, the nominee is required to successfully publish a full paper in the Asia Pacific Journal of Corpus Research within a year of receiving the award. Failure to do so will result in automatic revocation of the award. Upon successful publication, a certificate will be dispatched to the awardee.
Submission Details:
- Thesis title
- Abstract
- Recommender (Affiliation, Name, Position)
- Candidate’s Name
- Degree Conferment Date
- Degree Granting University
- For thesis submission (in PDF format), kindly forward to: help@icr.or.kr
- Submission Deadline: 31 December 2023
2022 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(2022 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award)
불행히도 2022 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상에 적합한 수상자가 없습니다(Regrettably, we have not identified a suitable recipient for the 2022 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award).
2021 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(2021 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award)
2021 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award (International, PhD/EdD Level)
1. Dr Yating Yu
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Dr Yating Yu |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Phoenix Lam |
논문제목(Title) | Representations of “Leftover Women” in the Chinese English-Language News Media |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | The Hong Kong Polytechnic University |
학위(Degree) | PhD |
국가(Country) | China |
2. Dr Taha Omidian
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Dr Taha Omidian |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Anna Siyanova-Chanturia, Prof. Averil Coxhead |
논문제목(Title) | Multiple Perspectives on Writing for Research Publication Across Academic Fields |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | Victoria University of Wellington |
학위(Degree) | PhD |
국가(Country) | New Zealand |
2021 코퍼스연구소 공로상(2021 ICR Achievement Award)
국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소에서는 코퍼스연구소 발전을 위하여 기여한 공이 큰 분께 공로상을 수여합니다. 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 김태국 초빙연구위원님, 호서대학교 민주영 교수님, 국립인천대학교 장경애 교수님께 감사드리며, 축하드립니다.
Institute for Corpus Research bestowed Achievement Awards to those who have made exceptional contributions to the development of the Institute. Thank you and congratulations to Dr T. G. Kim (Incheon National University), Prof J. Y. Min (Hoseo University), and Prof J. Y. Jang (Incheon National University). |
2020 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(2020 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award)
2020 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(해외, 박사)
2020 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award (International, PhD/EdD Level)
1. Dr Doğuş Can Öksüz (Lancaster University, UK)
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Dr Doğuş Can Öksüz |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Vaclav Brezina |
논문제목(Title) | Collocational Processing in Typologically Different Languages, English and Turkish: Evidence from Corpora and Psycholinguistic Experimentation |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | Lancaster University |
학위(Degree) | PhD |
국가(Country) | UK |
2. Dr Víctor Suárez Paniagua
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Dr Víctor Suárez Paniagua |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Isabel Segura Bedmar |
논문제목(Title) | Deep Learning for Information Extraction in the Biomedical Domain |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | Universidad Carlos III de Madrid |
학위(Degree) | PhD |
국가(Country) | Spain |
2020 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(해외, 석사)
2020 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award (International, MA/MSc Level)
1. Miriam Neuhausen
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Miriam Neuhausen |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Christian Mair |
논문제목(Title) | Bilingualism, Language Shift, and Cultural Assimilation – Evidence from Canadian Raising in a Mennonite Community |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | University of Freiburg |
학위(Degree) | MA |
국가(Country) | Germany |
2. Elena Alvarez-Mellado
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Elena Alvarez-Mellado |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Constantine Lignos |
논문제목(Title) | Lazaro: An Extractor of Emergent Anglicisms in Spanish Newswire |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | Brandeis University |
학위(Degree) | MA |
국가(Country) | USA |
3. Sazia Mehnaz
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() Sazia Mehnaz |
지도교수(Supervisor) | Dr Syed Shahrier Rahman |
논문제목(Title) | Cognitive Challenges of Anaphora: A Study on Bangla Pronominal Expressions |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | University of Dhaka |
학위(Degree) | MA |
국가(Country) | Bangladesh |
2020 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(국내, 박사)
2020 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award (South Korea, PhD/EdD Level)
1. 이정은(Jung-Eun Lee)
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() 이정은(Jung-Eun Lee) |
지도교수(Supervisor) | 권익수 교수(Prof Iksoo Kwon) |
논문제목(Title) | A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Conjunctive Adverbials of Opposition Relations |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | 한국외국어대학교(Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) |
학위(Degree) | 박사(PhD) |
국가(Country) | 대한민국(South Korea) |
2020 국립인천대학교 코퍼스연구소 코퍼스우수학위논문상(국내, 석사)
2020 ICR Outstanding Corpus Thesis Award (South Korea, MA/MSc Level)
1. 이혜진(Hyejin Lee)
수상자(Awardee) | ![]() 이혜진(Hyejin Lee) |
지도교수(Supervisor) | 석데리아순영 교수(Prof Daria Soon-Young Seog) |
논문제목(Title) | The Acquisition of English Relative Clauses by Korean Learners of English: A Learner Corpus Study |
학위수여대학(Degree Conferment University) | 경북대학교(Kyungpook National University) |
학위(Degree) | 석사(MA) |
국가(Country) | 대한민국(South Korea) |